A downloadable game

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Amiga Yoomp! is a fast-paced arcade game that brings the classic gameplay of its Commodore 64 and Atari counterparts to the 16-bit Amiga platform. Players control a bouncing ball as it navigates 3D-textured tubes filled with different types of tiles, each with unique properties. The goal is to collect points while avoiding traps and hazards that threaten to end the run. Yoomp! is designed to run smoothly on a wide range of Amiga systems, including the A500, A600, A1200, CDTV, and CD32, delivering retro gaming fun with.


  • 27 levels
  • 20 action tiles
  • 2 awesome soundtracks by MCH
  • 3 gfx quality modes, automatically selected depending on hardware speed
  • compatible with A500, A600, A1200, CDTV, CD32, even with A1000

This game is PAL only

version by Amiga Vault Team
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AMIGAVAULT
FB Group: https://facebook.com/groups/amigavaultproject

You can order pysical box release of Amiga Yoomp! and Yoomp!64 for Commodore C64 thanks to Komoda & Amiga plus magazine here.

Version 1.09: new additional music!
- added menu (Music mode) to select additional music - conversion of Atari chip music and its remixed version
Version 1.08 (might be less stable than 1.07, use 1.07 if you feel so):
- added keyboard control (cursor keys, up/space for jump)
- press 'p' for pause, 'b' - to remove dithering (until next level)
Version 1.07:
- improved save hi-score procedure it is now much faster
Version 1.06:

-fixed bug in start script preventing to rung game from Workbench
Version 1.05:
- fixes for startup code and file load procedure
Version 1.04:
- fixed crash (guru) on WinUAE 5.3.0 when game was loaded from HD

Updated 17 days ago
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, Amiga, Retro


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Yoomp v1.09 ADF 880 kB
Yoomp CD v1.09 ISO image for CD32 and CDTV 12 MB
Yoomp! manual 800 kB
Yoomp v1.07 ADF 880 kB
Yoomp CD v1.07 ISO image for CD32 and CDTV 12 MB
Yoomp! 1.09 WHDLoad.lha 517 kB


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(1 edit)

Completed the game today! Just great! I had to buy the boxed version with Amiga floppy and C64 floppy. Thanks

Thank you for bringing this great game to the Amiga. Enjoing it very much on my CDTV booting from CD!

Hi to all,

Following the report by The Edge, whom we thank for their collaboration, we released and shared ad updated WHDLoad version of the game that works on all Amiga systems with only 1MB Chip RAM.

Developer uploaded it yesterday so it's just available for download here and on our Update Repository: ENJOY! :)

(1 edit)

Playing the v1.09 now. Love the game. A couple of issues. When I procceed to a new level with a new password I can not type in the password without quiting the game. Password can only be made one time as the game ends choosing a new password from menu is not possible. When using the keyboard I have to press a key once before the game start to register the typing.   I also think that dithering should not be on by default. Better to press "b" for dithering. Sorry, but nobody wants that on Amiga ;) Thanks anyway for the updates. Great work!

I can confirm the password and typing issue.

But i like dithering. Game looks really better with dithering on.

Ok, thanks for the reply.

(2 edits)

A really cool game became even better with V1.09! Good job!

The Remix of the 8bit soundtrack is really awesome.

A nice additional feature for the game would be some kind of 2 player coop mode.

I just ordered the physical box version.

Hi Zbigniew,

Great game indeed, congratulations! Our Amiga Vault Team is specialized in the creation/conversion of Amiga games and programs in standard WHDLoad format with specific slave, custom splash screen, hybrid icon (OldIcon+NewIcon+ColorIcon) compatible with all AmigaOS, and readme file.

As we have done with some Amiga games released in recent months (Ami Robbo 2, Frank Brush, Ghosts 'n Goblins AGA, Hop To The Top, Kondi Krush, Metro Siege, Neon World, Soko-Ban and Spheroid) and as we will do for some games currently in development as soon as they are ready (Krogharr, Soltys and Street Fighter), we just converted your game into WHDLoad format (look at attached pictures below:) and would like to share it with you so that, if you wish, you can include it as an additional version for the benefit of the Amiga community: what do you think of our proposal? It would be an honor and a pleasure for us to collaborate with you, if you like our idea you can contact us on facebook (user Amiga Vault) in order to define all the details.

Best Regards

Amiga Vault Team



Waiting for developer answer to share our whdload version here😉

I don't use facebook you can contact me by email: zbych.zr@gmail.com

Perfect, we will send you mail later, stay in touch😉

You've got mail😉

Doesn't work on my A500 with 1meg chip.

The adf installer works with my setup and I can run it from the HDD.

Whdload version usually needs fast ram, but if you Need it we can compile a lite version (game Will load with simple gfx)

I actually have 1meg chip + 8meg other.

After the speed test, I end up with medium quality using the adf version installed to HDD.

Does the Whdload version require 2meg chip?

If you can make a lite version that allows medium quality like the adf version I'll greatly appreciate it.  Thanks

Ok, please give us a facebook contact or email and we Will send It to you😊

(1 edit)

The new version emailed to me works just like the adf hdd install.

Same medium quality. Excellent work.

Thanks again.

(1 edit)

For full quality you'll need a faster cpu  than stock a500, if i remember correctly al least 68000@14MHz. With 68000@28MHz and 8MB Fast RAM i can  go full quality. My a500 has 2MB of chip RAM.

Awesome game!

Great game! Here's some gameplay, and there's also a longplay of the C64 version on my channel, though still with the old jump height.


Excellent game for sure. I love the Atari version, and this is just as good. Thanks for adding the "remove dithering" option. You should make that the default with the option to turn it on in the menus. The dithering makes it makes it look like you are trying to hard to look "8 bit" - when it should have a 100% awesome Amiga look. 

Awesome game!

Cześć. Super gra. Czy jest możiwość dodania pauzy w czasie gry oraz powrotu do mnue np za pomoć klaisza esc?


Dodałem pauze pod klawiszem P w wersji 1.08 ale czasami niestabilnie działa - można stracić piłke jak pauza jest nad miejscem gdzie nie ma kafla.

(1 edit)

Great conversion of the Atari XL/XE original. The gameplay is consistently motivating and the support for various Amiga models is excellently implemented, even on A500. The soundtrack is also fitting, although there could have been a few more songs. Our German-language review with all quality modes can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:08:26. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

(2 edits)

Thanks for the continued updates of this great game.

Unfortunately, the hd-installed v1.05 won't start on my Amiga.

A500 Rev.8a, KS3.2.2, AmigaOS, 68030@50MHz, 128MB FastRAM, 2MB Chip, full ECS Chipset.

The floppy version ist starting normally.

Update; I got it kind of sorted. It was a problem with the assign command as mentioned in post down below.

There was a bug in start script - the end of line sign was changed from Amiga to Windows format I've fixed it in 1.06

Thanks for updating Yoomp.

1.07 seems very stable so far. Even Amiga OS 3.2 is running now stable after quitting the game.

(1 edit)

This really is a superb game, love it, there is a rather show stopping bug with 1.02 though, at least for me. I'm using it with an A1200 with a Blizzard 1230 Mk-IV, 128mb Fast Ram. When running under emulation with this setup, the game hangs after the test routine. On real hardware the game does run but after closing the game the system becomes very unstable with software error screen, the system then reboots.

In most cases when pepole report such kind of problem it is caused by missing "assign" call (I will try to change it), before running the game (from HD) try to execute in CLI: assign Yoomp!: path_to_install_folder
where path_to_install_folder should be full path with hd drive name

Sorry, should have said, I used the HD installer which added the assign to the User-Startup, so it's not that.

I don't know why but on WinUAE 5.3.1 the game gets guru in most cases when running from hd. I was using WinUAE 4.3.0 during development and the game runs on this version without any problems.

WHD load version? Would be awesome!

Great game with good music. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from December 2024" video along with other recently released Amiga games.

Wielkie gratki za ten projekt i port gry na Amigę! Gra się tak jak powinno - czyli świetnie!

Miło mi słyszec że się podoba :)

(1 edit)

Very nice game. Thanks for that.

It would be useful to implement a quit-key or an option in the main menu to quit the game for the HDD install, because exiting the game is not possible. That means you must perform a system reset to leave the game, which is very annoying. A WHDLoad Version should do the trick. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I have added option to exit to system in 1.02 version


(4 edits)

Booting 1.02 via ADF-Floppy works fine in WinUAE Setting with OS3.2. HD-Install instead and a first start from HD end up into Software Failure after Speed-Test.

Version 1.01 works fine with HD-Start. Setting: WinUAE 5.0 OS 3.2 - A1200 68030 Setting.

I've tested it now also on my real A1200 Amiga with PiStorm32Lite and there V1.02 runs without any issues. 

Don't know why 1.01 on WinUAE did run well, but with 1.02 crashes after Speed-Test on PC/WinUAE setup.

I don't know why but I had problems with latest WinUAE 5310, I'am not sure why. Maybe it's case of reconfiguration while it running (I am avoiding to do such thing now), anyway sometimes when i run WinUAE it works ok but in some occasion after loading WB my every try to run the game ends with guru.

Thank you from Lemon Amiga. The game will be added to our website soon.

(3 edits)

Would be nice if a new level did not start before pressing the button or maybe map "p" or something to pause the game. I also wish there was a quit button like "esc"

I have one other question. It is a lot of loading. For people that got some extra memory could not more of the game be loaded into that? I have A4000/030 with HDD but the game does not work with that config so I have to use Gotek, adf with my A500 that got 1MB chip and 1MB slow RAM. 


Did you check latest version 1.01? It makes sense to load whole data into memory when it is available but my primary goal was to make it work on system with smaller amount of memory. I will think how much changes it will take to load and use all game data from memory.

Deleted 75 days ago

Game now work on A4000 with lastest 1.05 thanks :)

(1 edit)

Great game but the save high score mess up my Gotek drive and I can not write the adf to floppy as the floppy will not load correct?

I didn't tested it with Gotek, but save score creates one additional file on adf image so I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

(3 edits)

I solved it. I had FlashFloppy version 3.2 and latest is 3.42 After the firmware upgrade everything is good :) You should mention in the manual for others that might have the same problem.

Video from the game on real hardware. 

Congratulations on your release. Excellent  Work!

(1 edit)

Thanks for this release. Running on real hardware 68000/14MH and CRT full quality. Marry Xmas. After trying it I gave you some extra money. Great work!

Congratulations from the team of Amiga-News.de:


Great game, thanks for sharing.

Awesome game!